
is a facilitator to international trade
The history of trade and humanity have been linked since time immemorial. From its very first stages, international trade helped break down barriers between people and nations, creating the basis for an economy. It contributed significantly towards improved living standards and commercial trading of goods and services that created the basis for world economics.
Different nations have different competitive advantages which in turn can offer different opportunities to participate in international trade. Some nations are endowed with fossils and minerals, while others have technology hubs or highly efficient agricultural land. Together they provide the market with unique opportunities. Trade provides them with the means to engage, prosper and deepen ties.
In today’s increasingly borderless economic landscape, we see our mission as aiding small and medium businesses (SMB) to establish global connections. Our solution helps create millions more business links globally based on immediate trust. It aims to help companies and entrepreneurs with limited resources, assisting them as they grow from local to international trade organizations.
ArbStore is not a financial business nor a payment system and it does not provide centralized escrow services itself. Our technology allows the parties to make transactions to deposit funds in an escrow account managed by a smart contract between themselves. When using the ArbStore solution, the parties appoint an independent arbitrator provided by ArbStore, but not related to ArbStore, to resolve transaction disputes in case they arise. If no dispute arises, the buyer releases the funds to the seller. If a dispute arises, the arbitrator will be invoked and, after analysing the dispute, the arbitrator allows the winner side to claim the funds from the smart contract. Neither ArbStore nor the arbitrators custody or have access to the transaction funds at any point in time.